Ferlux. Cassette plano 755
Casting cassette with the same version as the mod. 750 but with the ashtray drawer in sight. Cassette plane with great vision of fire. Equipped with t[...]
Ferlux. Cassette plano de chapa con rev. 760
Cassette steel, minimalist, its oblong measures give advantages to its installation, the inside is melting, thermostat equipped with two tangential tu[...]
Ferlux. Cassette plano 850
Is the model of plane Ferlux cassette cast home combustion larger supports large trunks, with a strong vision of the spectacle of fire and lots of hea[...]
Ferlux. Cassette plano 860
Cassette cast beautiful rustic-modern look. Equipped with the new dual combustion system, is equipped with air contrle primary and secondary damper, t[...]
Ferlux. Bloque plano C-19
Cast iron block, an important vision of fire for its size, equipped with the new system's high performance dual combustion primary air contrle. Comtem[...]